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Other / I am the new one
« Last post by MayraManda on Today at 08:59:03 am »
The best way to remove iron from well water really depends on the type and concentration of iron present. For mild iron contamination, oxidizing filters are a great option. These filters work by converting dissolved iron into solid particles, which can then be removed easily. Water softeners are also a good choice for dealing with both iron and hard water, as they use ion exchange to remove minerals, including iron.
OBDLink MX+ / Re: Raspberry Pi
« Last post by mhafez on Yesterday at 10:44:28 am »
Having the same issue, I'm trying to establish a connection between my raspi4 (running ubuntu server 24.04), and getting the same issue.
ultimately, I'll be getting some info like (speed, RPM, ...) using a python script.
is there any documentation regarding that, or a general API document for MX+?
OBDLink MX+ / Re: Developer documentation request
« Last post by John55 on Yesterday at 12:57:27 am »
 If you need documentation for the OBDLink MX+ Bluetooth interface, your best bet is to contact Scantool support directly—sometimes they give API access on a request basis. Make sure you also check their official forum and GitHub, because some individuals have made custom applications.

If you need help, just share what you're trying to accomplish. A lot will depend on the protocol used by the vehicle. Good luck!  :)
OBDLink MX+ / Re: IPR gauge quit working.
« Last post by Shawnf350 on March 11, 2025, 01:51:40 pm »
Are you making a successful connection to the truck when connecting with Obdwiz? (Or what program are you using?)

There's no need to do a factory reset.  That would only reset the tool if you weren't making a connection to your device.
Do you have any other gauges on your program that are giving PID data?
If using OBDWiz, have you recently added any gauges?

Kind regards,

OBDLink MX+ / IPR gauge quit working.
« Last post by Frank P on March 10, 2025, 03:26:34 pm »
'02 f-250 7.3L
For some reason the PID or gauge or whatever you call it stop working for the IPR (Injector Pressure Regulator) which tells the HPOP how oil much pressure to send to the fuel injectors.
Been messing around with it for a while with no luck. Do I have to do a "factory reset" and what does that do exactly? Does it whipe out all my PIDS and I have to reload everything from scratch?
Appriciate everyones input and help in advance.

P.S. I know the IPR is working as the truck drives down the road, just the gauge is reading "0".
OBDLink MX+ / Re: Developer documentation request
« Last post by STN-Brian on March 09, 2025, 11:11:00 pm »
The OBDLink MX+ uses standard Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Profile) for communication on Android devices. There are no special requirements beyond the standard Android Bluetooth implementation.

For Android development, we recommend consulting the official Android developer documentation and various online tutorials about implementing Bluetooth SPP connections, as these are well-established standards with abundant resources available online.

Our documentation (link) focuses on the command structure and protocol specifications which are identical across platforms.
OBDLink MX+ / Re: Developer documentation request
« Last post by Shawnf350 on March 08, 2025, 06:10:20 am »
You should hear something early next week.   Sorry for the delay.

Kind regards,
OBDLink MX+ / Re: Developer documentation request
« Last post by Brian18000 on March 07, 2025, 11:46:55 pm »
Could I get an email with documentation on how to interface with your device to build a mobile app?

I need stuff specially related to Android. I was only sent iOS material.
OBDLink MX+ / Re: Developer documentation request
« Last post by Shawnf350 on March 05, 2025, 04:51:27 am »
Brian, I've emailed you the requested info.

Kind regards,
OBDwiz/TouchScan / Re: speed limiter on my jeep grand 2011
« Last post by Manny on March 04, 2025, 12:41:31 pm »
It may be possible to remove the speed limiter using AlfaOBD. I would recommend checking with their support for verification before purchasing a subscription.
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